Ship from Store: Transferring stock to Fulfil a Transaction
A transaction can be processed instore, including payment, and an alternate location be identified to fulfil. In this example the focus will be on the process when “Transfer to my Store” is selected.
That is, Fortitude Valley sell a pair of Veja shoes in size 40 and select Paddington to transfer the item to Fortitude Valley for the customer to collect instore. Fortitude Valley will:
Scan barcode or search for the style (any size)
Select the Check Inventory option
Select the size from a store with available inventory (locations available to transfer can be customised via this link)
Select the yellow “Transfer to my Store” button
Complete transaction and take payment
Note: customer details must be attached to the transaction
The pending order to fulfil will appear on the “Trans In” (Transfer In) section on the home screen of the POS.
The store to fulfil the transfer, Paddington, will see this request appear on the “Trans Out” (Transfer Out) tab on the homescreen. The “Transfer Out” button will also change from blue to yellow. And the Transfer Stock list within the Inventory module will also display the Customer Order request.
Steps to Transfer Out to fulfil a Transaction in alternate location:
From the Trans Out screen, select the order to view the style-colour-size required
Select “Have It” and scan the item barcode to confirm that it is correct
or Select “Don’t Have It”. In this case, a screen will appear to display alternate locations to assign fulfilment to. If no locations available, a button will display “Unable to Fulfil”. Selecting this will assign order to default location and send an email. Once an order is reassigned, it will disappear from the “Trans Out” list. To configure this, please follow link
Repeat the above process for all orders in yellow
User will then select the “Transfer Out” button to be taken to the Transfer Stock list page
Orders marked as “Have it” on the home screen will be identifiable by the green Pack button
Orders can be transferred and shipped individually by pressing the Pack button and Process Transfer
The Transfer & Ship button will process a transfer for all packed orders (green Pack button) and allow user to generate shipment labels
Process Transfers must be pressed before printing labels or packing list. Status will update to Success
Packing List can now be printed, if required for internal purposes
Orders will be removed from the screen once the Close button is pressed (print the labels first!)
Print Labels will load the screen to create shipment and print labels via the integrated platform