Starshipit Fulfilment
This will show you how to create a shipment to labels and manifest the order.
Step-by-step guide
Click on arrow and select Warehouse
To send an order using your Starshipit integration, you need to select the Dispatch Tab in the warehouse screen.
Tick the box to select the orders with a packed quantity that you are wanting to send to Starshipit. Keep in mind that you can send 50 orders at a time.
Once you have selected all orders you are wanting to send to Starshipit, you can click on Shipping and select the Starshipit Integration located at the top of the screen. Once this is clicked a new window will open - make sure the correct warehouse is selected and select the green Proceed button.
Once you click Proceed, the Starshipit Shipment window will appear showing the orders that you have selected.
From here you can enter in the details for each shipment including:
- The carton quantity
- The package type (Once selected this will auto populate the package dimensions)
- The weight - it will have default value but you can update/edit the weight in the text fieldOn this screen you also have the option to include freight on your shipping invoice. You can tick the box in the bottom screen labelled ‘Include Freight’. When ticked it will remain on for all orders.
Once all the orders have the shipment information entered you can select the tick box for the required orders and click the green Create Shipment button.
A warning pop up will appear, click Yes to proceed.
The pop up screen will appear to show the progress of the processing shipment. After processing the shipment the screen will display the status.
Note: Under Status it will either say Completed or Failed and if it has failed an error message will appear in the Information column.
You can now do the Print Label. To print the shipping labels click the Print Label, a warning pop up will appear, click Yes to proceed.
It will show you the PDF viewer showing your labels which can then be printed. Also the Tracking number will be generated to your order.
NOTE: The print size is A3 which is the international standard for shipping stickers. To get the copy you can click PREVIEW, SAVE, SHOW in FOLDER, EMAIL or PRINT any in the options.
Important: When the order has label you cannot remove it from the Starshipit.
The final step is to print the Manifest by selecting the green Manifest button at the bottom of the screen. Click Yes to proceed.
It will show the Manifest progress and status Success.
You can print the report summary for the Manifest orders and Save. To get the copy you can click PREVIEW, SAVE, SHOW in FOLDER, EMAIL or PRINT any in the options.
After saving the manifest report, you have the option to generate an invoice to the order or Close the screen. If you wish to generate, you can select any of the 3 options and do as usual, Invoices will then be created and marked as fulfilled.
Note: You have options to use in the screen.
Create and Print Labels - if you click the this button, it will process the order creation and showing you the progress, once completed it will auto generate the print labels, and you can save it. In just one button it will process 2 steps (creation and printing labels) to save time.
Create Shipment - it only create the order and show the progress status
Print Label - it will print the labels for the order