Product Fields & How to Edit
The product fields allow you to enter key information about each of your styles. Some of these fields can be toggled on and off and customized depending on your business needs.
The fields that will always be visible are:
Style Number
Style Name
Trading Entity
Size Range
If additional Product Fields have been toggled on, then a blue arrow (<) will appear in the right hand corner on the field bar. Once this arrow is clicked the screen will move to the left and show more Product Fields.
A horizontal scroll bar will show down the bottom so that you can see all Product Fields in the field bar
To customize field names and choose what fields should be visible, select ‘Edit Visible Fields’ located between the ‘Edit Lines’ and ‘Edit’ buttons.
2. Once ‘Edit Visible Fields’ has been selected a pop up window will appear.
3. To view all Product Fields you can use the scroll bar on the right hand side.
4. Please see what each option means below:
Brand -
Maker -
Product - Level 1 - Level 2
Composition -
Main Fabric -
Pattern # -
Style Comments -
Web Site Description -
Web Site Images -
Model Name -
Care - If you have particular product care instructions you can list a care code
Weight - This is the weight of the product
Negotiated Buy Price -
Del From - This is the starting date of the delivery window for this style
Del To - This is the end date of the delivery window for this style
Launch Date - This is the date you will start selling this style
Exit Date - This is the date you expect to stop selling this style
Load Active PO# - This will load the last active PO number for this style
Drops - Adding the drop to a style allows you to see what shipment the style is expected to arrive on
Hang Type - This is how your styles arrive from your supplier e.g. Hanging or Flat
HS Codes - HS codes are used when importing and exporting goods
Country of Origin - The country your supplier is located
Custom Field Textbox - You can add your own custom field textbox
Custom Drop Down - You can add your own custom drop down menu