Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing

Used to move and invoice stock between two trading entities and warehouses.

Step-by-step guide


  1. Click on arrow and select Sales

  1. On the far right hand side of the sales screen, you can see the Stock Order.

You need to create a Stock Order. Refer to the article Creating a Stock Sales Order for more information.

  1. Create a new STOCK Sales Order with the styles you want to transfer to another TE / Warehouse.
    Set the Customer as the receiver of the stock and the warehouse as the sender of the stock.



  2. When you have put your styles and quantities on the order. You need to set the Buy Price in the Sales Order.

a. On the far right hand side of the Stock Order, click the Burger Menu and select Sales Order Settings
b. It will show a pop-up that contains the settings for the Sales Order. Press the APPLY button at the bottom of the page that says “Set Prices on Sales order from Buy Price”



It will show you the pop-up message and click Yes to confirm.


Do the following to set the prices to the BUY price. The system will insert the Buy price from the Entity shown to the right of the customer.



  1. Generate the sales order and send it to the warehouse for pick and pack.


  1. Search the Sales Order in the Dispatch Tab, select the Sales order and click the Confirm Packed



    This pop-up will show, it will update the quantities to Fully Packed if all are allocated and have stocks. Click the Confirm Button




You can see that the Allocated quantities are now in Packed



  1. Click the Generate Invoice, new pop-up will appear and you can generate the Invoice as per normal using any of these methods. Select one and click Generate Button.



8. Go back to the Sales order and create a transfer.

  • At the bottom of the screen Press the Transfer Button

  • In the pop up select the Warehouse To transfer the stocks

  • Select the Transfer Invoiced Qty - using this option will not deduct stock when doing the transfer, as it’s already been deducted on the invoice.

  • Click the Create Transfer button



9. Generate the transfer. You will be directing to the Transfer screen with the items on the SO and its quantities.

Click the Process Transfer and in the pop up you have the option if you want to Cancel the order or leave the sales order as is, then click the Procced with the Transfer button.



This pop-up will show indicates that the item was successfully created a PL, at the header of the Transfer screen you can see the PL# created from the SO.



This will put it on the Unverified Deliveries of the transfer to warehouse.

  • To check you need to Go to the Transfer Warehouse

  • Click the Unverified Deliveries

  • Search the PL number

  • Click Search button

The result will show on the warehouse with Blue labels indicating it is a PL order.


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