Creating a Credit Note

Once you receive the items from the customer, you will want to generate a credit note for them. 


  1. Navigate to the Sales screen



2. To search for a return, go to Type drop down, select Return and click search. This will retrieve all return authorisations.

If you want to narrow the search, enter information in another search field such as Customer then click Search.


3. Once you locate the relevant Return, click the + button to open it.


4. Now that it is open, you will notice a tab called Credit Note click on that.



5. You can then click Auto Fill with RA QTY to automatically pull the RA QTY. Otherwise if the qty is slightly different you can manually override the qty by clicking into it and entering the qty that you want.



Alternatively, if every item needs to be auto-filled, select RA QTY and that should automatically populate the RA QTY.



6. Click the GENERATE CREDIT NOTE button to generate the credit note. If you need to add an extra item on the credit note, you can click ADD EXTRA and fill in the price. 



7. The credit note should automatically appear which you can then save, print or email out to your customer.



Automatically, as a result of the credit note being generated, the credit amount will be available for the customer in the Accounts screen, specifically the Receive Payments screen.

When making a payment against an invoice, the customer can choose to utilise that credit in the transaction or leave it for a later time.