Write Off Stock

Write Off Stock

This function allows you to remove the available stock of a style from a warehouse so that you write off the stock for accounting purposes.

Step-by-step guide


  1. Enter the warehouse screen and select the SEARCH button on your warehouse. The Write off button will be on the bottom of the screen.



2. Tick the styles that you want to be written off then click the Write Off button.

3. This pop up will appear and allow you to choose which customer will be on the created order.


4. Once you have selected your desired customer, click GENERATE SO.



5. Once you click the Generate SO button, wait for a while and the created SO will appear on the pop up.



6. As you can see the available stock is now move to allocated from the created SO



7. You can also add style on the existing SO, just put the SO# and click the GENERATE SO button


Once the SO is created, you can reduce the stock by creating an invoice with 100% discount on it.


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