Setting Up Your Online Store in Indigo8

Setting Up Your Online Store in Indigo8

Step-by-step guide

Once you have completed the step 'Woo Commerce Integration', this data needs to be transferred into Indigo8.

 1. Login into Indigo 8 and locate your existing Website customer or create a new Website customer.

This website customer is typically named as your online shop. For example, a business named "Grass Bred" will be called "Grass Bred Website" .

On the customer record, you need to make sure the following is completed in order to link your existing Woo Commerce website with Indigo8.

2. Open up the Customer record and click the WEBSITE tab. 

  • Make sure you have checked THIS CUSTOMER HAS A WEB SITE ATTACHED TO IT.  This will assign the given customer record to a specific website. 
  • Select WOO COMMERCE under the WEBSITE field 
  • Enter the WOO COMMERCE URL which is your Woo Commerce Store Url - please do not enter your live website URL.

 3. Paste the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret


4. Once done click SAVEon the customer record once all steps are completed.  You will notice at the point of creating the customer record it would have populated the WEBHOOK URL. This is what will automatically make the sales orders appear from Woo Commerce into Indigo8.  

5. Log into Woo Commerce and go to SETTINGS> WEBHOOKS > Click ADD WEBOOK. A pop up will appear which you will you need to enter a few details.

    • Name:  you can leave this as its created date or change to i.e Website Online
    • Status: Active
    • Topic: Order Created
    • Delivery URL: Add in your Webhook creating in Indigo8
    • Secret: copy your secret code from your customer record above.
    • API Version: This will automatically populate

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