Once an invoice has been generated there are times that you need to re-generate the invoice to update new information such as:
New discounts applied
Applying/Removing GST
Applying/Removing Freight
Re-generating invoices to adjust the discount
Open the sales order and make sure you apply the discount in the below box.
- Make sure you click in 0.00% section and put your cursor in that box.
- If the discount is 50% please type 50 in the box
- Hit ENTER on your keyboard once
- The final result is that it should look like below. If you need to amend again, keep clicking the 50% and repeat process.Make sure you hit SAVE and then GENERATE SO
The below box will appear. It’s a good time to put in a comment about the reason for the change
Applying/Removing GST
Applying/Removing GST