Your RA will look like this in Indigo8
When your return has been processed in Indigo8, we will update the status of the Return in your ReturnGO admin to ‘Shipment Received’. You can then proceed to process the return for your customer in ReturnGO
Item Validation in ReturnGo portal
There will be a note on the Return Go portal to indicate how many items were returned
The line items will also be validated
Note: The Restock event defaults to ‘no’ as the restocking will be prompted from the I8 inventory integration when the item is receipted into the warehouse.
If you have auto-processing turned on based on validation, orders with ALL items returned will auto-process. If the return is only partially receipted in, they will sit in ‘Shipment Received’ status for manual processing.
How to process your Returns in Indigo8