Go into SALES and open the sales order you wish to generate the packing list for, Make sure the order have an Invoice.
If the invoice is generated already, click on the invoice number on the top right.
Click the arrow and select Warehouse
In the warehouse screen, select the Dispatch tab
3. Search the customer and bring up all the sales orders required
Select the orders checkbox (can select multiple or more than 1)
Click the PICK TICKET on the left hand side
Click PACKING LIST option then click PRINT
Note : If you wish to get the packed quantities to show in your Packing list report you need to confirm packed quantities first, and in the Pick Ticket Packing lists check the Use Packed Quantity box then Print. By Default it is pulling the quantities in Allocated fields.
Give it a few seconds to Load, the pop up will show you the progress of the generating report
It will show you the PDF viewer with all the SO selected and its packing list, it shows the Allocated/Packed quantities of the order. Ensure you click PREVIEW, SAVE, SHOW in FOLDER, EMAIL or PRINT any in the options.