NOTE: Before creating a Sub-line
, make sure you've already added a line
to your system.
Check out Creating Your First Collectionfor
details on
setting up a line.
2. Select the styles you want to add to a sub-line from your line collection. Then right click and select Add or Remove to an Exisiting Line.
Navigate to the Products screen
Search for your Line
3. Select your styles from the line collection, right-click, and choose Add/Remove from Existing Line.
4. After selecting Add/Remove from Existing Line, a new window opens.
Click Add/Edit Sublineto create a new sub-line by selecting Add SubLine and a new window will appear.
5. To create the a sub-line select , click Add New underneath under the Sub-Line drop down menu. Fill out your new sub-line name and select dropdown, enter a name, and hit Save.
6. After entering the name of the Subline and SavingOnce you've entered and saved the sub-line name, it will be Saved and displayed appear in the dropdown menu.
7. Using You can use the label , you can "Add, Edit, and Delete" Sublines.
to add, edit, or delete sub-lines.
8. When you click Clicking the Save button , will display a message will appear indicating whether confirming if it was successfully assigned to a Line or a SublineSub-line.
9.The subline will appear below sub-line will be listed under the sample line "Summer Edition000010 - Jessica Gigi Apparel.".
10. When you select Selecting the subline , it will display show the items you have added to the sublineassigned to it.
Note: You can Add and Remove styles from the subline.