Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Below are the steps on how to update basic Here are the steps to update basic product information:

  1. Go to the Products modulescreen

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  2. Click on the burger menu to access the Product Settings options.

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  3. You will be presented with the product settings

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    'll see the Product Settings screen appear

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Editing a Line Name

  • Hit Click EDIT against next to each line item here. The textboxes on the left-hand side will become editable.


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  • Hit Click SAVEonce you're done. You’re Your changes will update immediately throughout across the system.


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Editing/Adding a Category

  • Click ADD NEW PRODUCT CATEGORY at the top. It This will create 3 empty drop downs two (2) empty dropdowns for you to enter fill in.Hit the

    Once done, click SAVEon the right-hand side once done.


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Final The final result is should look something belowlike this:


  • To edit Level 1 Department, click EDITon the first drop downdropdown.

  • If you need to EDIT level 2 product group To edit Level 2 Product Group, click EDIT on the second drop downdropdown.


If you need to EDIT level 3 product name - if you edit the actual product name, it will become editable as per below. Just hit SAVE once done.


  • To editLevel 3 Product Name, click on the EDIT—it will become editable.

    Once you've made the changes, click SAVEto apply them.

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Editing Divisions/Brands

  • To add a division Division, clickADD NEW DIVISION at the top. It will create a A new line will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click SAVE once done. The changes should be updated

    Once done, click SAVE, and the changes will update immediately.

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  • To edit a division Division, click EDITon the line item. Then , make your changes, then click SAVE once done. The changes should be updated immediately.

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    The updates will apply immediately

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Editing Size Range Name


Please note you will need to be an admin to do this

  • Click theSize Range Maint tab at the top.

  • ClickThen, click ADD NEW SIZE RANGE


  • to create a new size range

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  • Enter the size range name Size Range Name on the left-hand side . Such as (e.g., S-L).

    Then, enter the variants as per below: (e.g., S, M, L).Hit save once done

    Once done, click SAVEon the right-hand side.

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Editing Size Range Variables per Trading Entity

  • Click Size Variables

  • Enter your size range on the drop down

  • Your size range Size Range will appear on in the section below section.

    Enter the relevant options needed per required for each trading entity. as needed


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  • Depending Based on what is you’ve entered above, the size range names Size Range Names will appear on in the below red box below for your SALES ORDERS Sales Orders / INVOICES. Talk Invoices.

    If you need this feature enabled, reach out to someone at Indigo8 to turn this it on for you.

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