The productListView enables the user to enter in information against an entire line.
1. To view this screen, open Product Search.
2. Then select List View on the top right hand corner
Once List Viewis selected, your product will appear as below. Here you can see the necessary components needed to create a style.
Editing your products
1. Search for your Lineand select all styles using the top check box
2. Click on Editto the right of your screen:
3. All fields have now become editable. You can start to enter the information as required.
See below example.
4. Once all information has been input, select Save
The information would have been saved and will look as per below.
Each Field Explained
Style: The top line is your Style Name. The second line is the style description.
You will see ‘copy' and 'paste’ button underneath each style in columns Brands, Supplier, Product and Size.
This function enables you to copy the populated information and paste it to as many other styles as required.
For example, if your line is made by one supplier, you can use the copy & paste function instead of selecting the supplier for every single product.
C2A Feature
The C2A button will appear at the bottom of the screen when in edit mode. When you press this button it will copy data to all styles listed in that column. It makes the process of filling out the fields even more effecient than the Copy & Paste Feature alone.
Additional Product Fields