Step-by-step guide
1. Click a menu arrow and choose Contacts
3. Please find below the definitions of some of the less obvious fields.
- Customer - this This is the Customer Name **MANDATORY FIELD
- Parent Company - this This is how you would like to group your customers . Contact (contact someone at Indigo8 to set this up for you. )
- Sales Person - If this customer has a designated sales person assigned to it then select them from the drop down. Then every time a sale is created this Doing this allows the sales person will to be automatically be assigned to the sale every time a Sales Order is created.
- Type - The system allows you to have set up 3 different types of customers being;.
- Customer (a - A regular customer that you sell to).
- Agent (Agency - The agency that sells for you) and,.
- POS - if If you have a retail store integrated with Indigo8.
- Department - this represents This represents the door if you are entering a customer that sells with multiple doors. Not a mandatory field.
- Status - by By default, this should be ACTIVE.
General Tab
- Street address - is Is the physical location of the customer.
- Bill To - is Is the address where invoices can be sent.
- Deliver To - Is the address where products will be shipped for this customer.
- Warehouse - You can also set the default warehouse on the bottom of this screen.
- Auto Freight for this customer - only Only turn this ON if you have automatic freight turned on in your system.
- Sell Type - this This is the agreement between your company and the customer on how you sell to them.
Financial Tab
There are a number of important fields in this section.
First Column
- Trading Entity - This will determine the invoice header that will be applied to the customer's invoices along with the price (or currency) displayed on orders orders. **MANDATORY FIELD
- Currency - This will determine the currency that displays on orders orders. **MANDATORY FIELD
- Account Export Identifier - this This is the card# for customers using MYOB.
- Special Sales Account - this This is if you have set up an overriding account number in XERO.
- Sales Order and Invoice Terms - Individualised customer terms can be applied here.
- System Term/Days - numeric Numeric field that you would enter to identify the customers specific terms.
- Terms From - either Either INV DATE or END OF MONTH.
- Deposit Required - Turn this box on if you require a deposit from this customer.
- Deposit % - Enter the specific deposit % that you need to pick up against the customer customer.
Second Column
- Agent - select Select the agent that is representing this customer on right of that is the Agent Commission %
- Customer No - if If you want to store a number for a number of reasons. Usually needed for Joor or importing sales orders with excel.
- XERO Tracking - can Can track different categories per customer which will appear in XERO.
- Suspend Automatically when invoices are late by - set Set a number of days or credit limit passes is reached and it will automatically suspend the customer.
- Suspend Account - when When ticked will prohibit sales orders and invoices from being created.
- Stock Allocation Rank - when When arriving stock in, it will be allocated based on this setting. 1 = priority #1 number 1 and 10 = priority number 10 (usually represents 1 representing a bad top customer).
Third Column Column
- Discount - if If a customer receives an automatic discount.
- Tax - If the country or state that your customer is trading in requires that you add Tax to the orders then you will need to apply the % tax here. In In the UK and NZ this is known as VAT in Australia it is GST.
- Division - usually Usually to identify a brand that customer purchases.
- Office - field Field used if using Agent Enterprise Version.
- EDI integration - only Only used if you sell via EDI ie David Jones or Myer.
- Bpay - can Can save this number against a customer.
- VAT # - can Can save this number against a customer.
- SO PACK - usually Usually used for 3PL intergrations integrations.
- Customer Approved - Customers need to be approved (by your accounts team) before any orders can be placed.
- Comments- any general comments needed against a customer.
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