On the black bar click WAREHOUSE
Click the button that says STOCK TAKE. The below pop up will appear
Select the warehouse that you want to stock take and then select the green button there NEW STOCKTAKE
3. There are 2 types of stock take:
FULL STOCK TAKE means whatever is scanned in a single stock take will replace and update accordingly. For example, say you had 200 pcs in your warehouse and if you have scanned 20 pcs on this screen using this option, it will change your stock to be 20 pcs.
Please be super careful when using this option. We recommend that you run an EAN report as a backup in case something goes wrong and need to update your stock to the previous version.
7. To double-check everything went well click REFRESH and if you select FULL STOCKTAKE the pieces should update accordingly. Otherwise run a stock on hand report to check the quantities accordingly.
OtherThat’s it! Well done!
On another note: If you wanted to complete your stock take over a few days just ensure your stock take is set to OPEN. Then if you need to open it just select the stock take on the left and click LOAD STOCK TAKE
and it should open it up as per normal.